Monday, May 11, 2020

Using Social Networking To Stand Out in Your Summer Internship -

Don’t be negativeIt can be so easy to turn your social networking platforms into a negative space. However, try to avoid this. First, being the stereotypical “ungrateful” intern isn’t good for anyone. Next, remember that the Internet is written in ink. Bashing your boss, tweeting about how bored you are, or blogging about a bad experience is bad for your reputation.For instance, check out what a former Marc Jacob’s intern had to say about his last few experiences with the designer. Although the intern was tweeting from the company account, it likely won’t help them to maintain a relationship with the designer, or anyone else in the space.Tip: If you have to put something negative out into the Internet, put a positive spin on it. For example, if you had a bad day, blog about how you could improve your experiences next time. That way, your current boss or a potential employer can see how you made light of a less than stellar event.Stay active and be humbleYou may get lucky and have an awesome internship experience. However, many interns aren’t as lucky. When you don’t have a good day or even a good few months, remember to stay humble, as well as active, on your social networks. That is, don’t go dark. Thank your employer for their time on the company page or post your gratitude on your platforms. This will assure you leave on a good note, even if you didn’t have the greatest internship experience.Tip: Thank each member of your group individually, whether on Facebook, Google+, LinkedIn, Twitter, your blog, or any other platform. You can even post a funny anecdote or a stand-out experience that made your time with the company more memorable. They’ll not only “feel the love,” you’ll be able to continue the conversation past your time with the organization.As you can see, using social networking is a great way to stand out in your summer internships. Be sure to use each platform correctly in order to take full advantage of them.What do you think? What are some other ways to stand out in your summer internships?

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